My Love for Garage Sales and Flea Markets

There are so many things to do in life that I enjoy, but can no longer do them, because of health and mobility issues. But I like to read about them from those who can, and I like to write about them.

Today, Thursday, the day of the week my Images columns used to appear in the East Bernard Express, I will write about one of these things, and I hope to write an IMAGES column every week to be posted to my website. Jeremy said he would be glad to post/archive these although they will appear in no newspaper.

Something I have always loved to do is go to flea markets, or Estate Sales, or garage sales. Over the years I have found some of the most delightful things at these sales. One of our friends who used to own the Ant Street Inn in Brenham would bring things from these sales and auction them in the auction room at the Inn. What an enjoyable way to make money, I thought! Not only that, but it helps Americans not be a throw-away society.

One of the biggest garage sales in the State takes place June 6 and 7, 2024, the 90 Miles on 90 Garage Sale, with hundreds of people participating on the way to Columbus! I know some folks who bought great things for small prices at this annual event. There is also an Estate Sale in El Campo June 6 and 7, with lots of items mentioned in their Ad in the Paper.

Some of the treasures my wife and I have picked up at these sales are beautiful art books many folks have no interest in, a bedside table that fits perfectly by my bed and is a perfect size for me, an old Lutheran catechism in The Danish language, and many old photographs just to name a few. Also

I was given splendid treasures by friends or family who got them at flea markets. Of these, one of my most cherished item is a superb vintage pocket knife with the most incredible steel blades ever seen, given to me by my friend (we were playmates in Dime Box) who now lives in San Antonio. It has become my Number One whittling knife, the blades taking a good edge!

Most of the furniture we have bought over the years is vintage or antique, not to mention the handmade furniture we inherited from my family. One of our friends, when we talked about our “antiques,” replied, “O, you mean “used furniture”? Yes, I love “used” furniture! When I was ordained, I used my father’s old turn of the Century Captain’s chair to sit on for the placing of the Stole, the chair absolutely full of memories. One of the members said I should have used a more elegant chair. How can people not understand?

I really enjoy hearing those of you who tell me about your flea market experiences. I hope you enjoyed my telling about past experiences.


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